Australia’s is the youngest city in the world and the state government of Victoria has come up with the best explanation I’ve seen on what a career encompasses.
“Career” was traditionally associated with paid employment and referred to a single occupation. In today’s world the term career is seen as a continuous process of learning and development. Activities that contribute to a career can include:
-work experience
-community activities
-enterprise activities
-different life roles
-volunteer work
-leisure activities
Rapid changes in information and communication technologies, increasing globalization, and greater competition, are all contributing to a dramatic change in working life, which will have an impact on your career. The concept of a job for life is no longer a reality. Young people now are likely to experience five to eight major career changes in their lives in a variety of industry sectors. They will also be experiencing more fluid forms of working with increasing casual, contract and part-time work options.
Many people are also increasingly looking for work/life balance in their lives. They want to maintain the best balance between the hours they spend in paid work and the time devoted to other roles in their lives such as leisure and home and family life.
In this new climate, individuals need to be adaptable, dynamic, innovative, flexible, resilient, self-initiating and collaborative to accommodate and thrive in workplaces, or to create work for themselves.
People need to be proactive life/career managers actively engaged in learning throughout life. Life long learning is now the norm and will be an integral part of workplaces of the future. It is critical for people to manage their life, learning, and work if they are to successfully navigate their way around a dynamic and complex economic landscape. But this is the one thing most people fail to do and why I have dedicated all my life to mentor, coach and train people to manage their careers successfully.
Because Happiness can only be achieved when you lead your life in the direction of your dreams. “But with more than 20 years of experience coaching successful leaders plus my own personal history of being cast out for challenging the status quo – I know that is a daunting task we easily give up early on.
We live in a world that seems to only value those who are more aggressive or perceived to have power, money or fame. Hence why we get discourage thinking that building a career and life around what’s truly important to us doesn’t pay off.
I want to change that mindset by showing you the ropes and easy steps to take that my clients and I have followed to succeed – doing what we love, while making a difference in the world. Starting now! by accessing my career and entrepreneurship advice online via coaching, workshops to the public, social media channels, and – soon – in my ZP Success in Action® TV and Radio show.
The how to of these critical elements that most people don’t know when choosing or changing careers:
-Knowing yourself – what you like (your interests), what you are good at (your skills and abilities), what is important to you (values)
-Getting to understand the world of work – what’s out there
-Learning how to make informed decisions
-Finding out how to achieve objectives.