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Zulmarie Padin

Zulmarie Padín, is a strategic business consultant, social entrepreneur, corporate trainer and executive coach. After more than a decade of doing this privately, she wants to share her know-how to help you create the life you love. Named the “Career Expert for Hispanics” by Univision, Zulmarie empowers millions of Hispanics with her collaboration in TV Show Despierta America.

Zulmarie is your Champion for Action!

Her clients rave about Zulmarie's ability to make things happen. In Spain they say she has the vision and fastness of a Lynx!

Experience that stems from her career - being there and done that- coupled with the best practices of leading brands in Asia, Latin America, Europe and Australia with companies listed in the Fortune 500.

Organizations leverage her no-no sense aproach, leadership, and unbiased perspective as an important catalyst to identify and navigate the critical inflection points in their development and growth. From emerging markets to strategic planning she knows how to drive commitment and action with impact-full results.

Latinas Power

Now her "How to for Career Success" is available to you! 

A “Career” was traditionally associated with paid employment and referred to a single occupation.

Not anymore! In today’s world, a career is an action verb of quick learning that requires continuous adjustment and development. And if you don't get the big picture of what drives the company you work for, your boss or your client - you're doomed to fail! I help my clients see beyond what meets the eye and formulate a sound strategy not based on what's going on now - but on what is to come. ~ Zulmarie

She wants to share with everyone the process that skyrocket her career without ever sending a resume and sustained her business without spending a dime in marketing.

This kind of Know-How you'll not find in a textbook or Google but is the one you need to guarantee that at every stage of your career you acquire the new skills, types of people in your network, and social media strategies that you need for that next level you are trying to reach.

If you are an Entrepreneur or Self-employed professional the same applies. We start a business to have more freedom, more meaningful work, and more money. But without a strategy based on REAL-TIME - you will enter a roller coaster of exhaustion that will leave you without money and sacrifice what matters most - your family, health and joy.

The good news is, you don't need to struggle like she did. You can also create the life you love, make more money and feel happier and fulfilled.

6 things that make Zulmarie Padin the go - to Career expert for life Success:

  • 1 -The International Association of Women formerly known as NAPW chose her to develop the leadership skills of their VIP members.
  • 2 -With an imperfect English she carved herself a successful career in the New York Times, the #1 newspaper read in the world. And became the only Hispanic woman among the first group of 20 experts that launched The New York Times Online.
  • 3 -Against all odds she became a successfully known entrepreneur in Europe. Hired by the #1 Law firm in Barcelona, Spain.
  • 4 -Zulmarie created the first leadership program for women in Spain with a disruptive content that integrated her unique holistic approach, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Eastern Philosophies.
  • 5 -Named the “Career Expert for Hispanics” by Univision. Her message reaches 97 % of the Hispanics households in America.
  • 6 -Broke the mold in male-dominated environments: became a faculty member of NYU Poly School of Engineering in NYC and a Speaker for ESADE, a top business school in Europe.
Now you can take advantage of Zulmarie's proprietary laser coaching technology and change in seconds what has taken people years to accomplish.

Start now! let her be your champion for success. Access now her career and entrepreneurship advice via her online coaching, workshops, social media channels, and - soon - in her ZP Success in Action® TV and Radio show.

Helping Women Thrive as Entrepreneurs

Committed to women’s leadership and distressed by lack thereof, in 2000 she created ZP Empowering Women: the first leadership program in Spain designed for women - by a woman. A mission she relentlessly keeps going, as a Key Note Speaker.

She has empowered thousands of women worldwide through her coaching and custom fit high-level education workshops. ZP Success in Action consists of workshops, free conferences for the general public, and best practice advice online designed to help women manage and grow their careers and companies.

Inspiring Latinas to Breakthrough

Zulmarie Padin is the CEO and founder of Latinas Power® a groundbreaking movement that advocates for #LatinaEqualPay whose mission is to accelerate the success of one million Latinas in the United States. Latinas Power® es la red líder de mujeres latinas profesionales, una comunidad donde apoyarte para aprender y crecer.

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